Ballbusting by Valentina
Ballbusting by Valentina
Valentina: School of Ballbusting - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 07:01 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 11/27/2020
Sexy Valentina opens her School of Ballbusting so she can teach her hot girlfriends how to defend themselves against a man by targeting his testicles. Laugh out loud as she shows them the knee, the kick, the squeeze, the uppercut, the double kick and double knee. The only winners here are there ballbusting women. Don’t miss out the laughter and disbelief in all the women’s face as they see their girlfriends destroying their victim’s balls. Pure kick, after kick, knee after knee. Non stop!
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+ Add The Kick...Balls Challenge 8 (2 clips)
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+ Add Valentina vs.
Rosie (3 clips)
The Valentina Bundle 2 - HD
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Valentina: At The Bar (HD)
Valentina: Rock, Paper, Squeeze (HD)
Valentina vs. Rosie (HD)
Valentina: Rock, Paper, Nuts, Rematch (HD)
4 Videos alone are valued at $37.40, yet you pay
ONLY $29.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Price: $29.95
Length: 37:33 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 05/27/2020
The Valentina Bundle 2
The Valentina Bundle 1 + 2 (All)
Full HD Clips Available
Valentina: At The Bar - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 7:51 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 05/23/2020
Latin babe Valentina in high heels takes advantage of a man at the bar trying to prove his superior male strength by ballbusting and devastating him where it hurts him the most, his testicles! This guy at the bar irritates Valentina and insists that she needs a man that is strong like him. Naturally, Valentina decides to her suitor’s strength with pain! She femdom gives him long and painful ball squeezes, ballbusting kicking, and full rejection and bust pain mockery. At one point she wont’t release until he says he is sorry. In the end she delivers a final ballbusting knee capable of proving balls are actually flat once in for all. You can’t miss goddess Valentina’s grand finale clip full of pain! For now.
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Valentina: At the Bar +
Kick in t... Challenge 7
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V. At The Bar + Chal.7
+ Brunette Knee Galore
Valentina: Rock, Paper, Squeeze - HD
Price: $9.25
Length: 12:26 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 04/20/2020
Gorgeous Valentina gets to do her favorite ballbusting: squeezing! Laugh out loud as she ballbusting sack taps and squeezes the juice out of her opponent's each testicle in this hilarious torture game of ballbusting Rock, Paper, Squeeze! In addition to six full ball grab and squeezes, clip includes torture kicks and knees to the unprotected balls. As usual, no script, just ball kicking fun with latina goddess Valentina. You can't miss this clip!
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Val: Rock, Paper...
Squeeze + Rematch +
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Val: Rock, Paper, Nuts +
Squeeze + Rematch +
Valentina vs. Rosie - HD
Price: $9.25
Length: 8:24 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 03/30/2020
Babe Valentina brings her rough ballbuster friend Rosie for a competitive game of who can bring a man down first with ball kicking. Watch as both ballbusting girls bring their A-game and full-force testicle kick, sucker-punch, torture knee and hardcore squeeze the juice off Valentina's poor cousin's balls. Both women tease and power trip as they discover the weakness of a testicle. When he finally gives up and falls to the floor, they go for kicking all over again! Ballbusting clip includes ridiculously painful slow-motion at 240 frames per second. As usual, ballbusting with no scripts, no cups and facial reactions, laughter and pain are all real natural. Enjoy the pain fun!
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Val. vs Rosie + Val: Rock, Paper... Rematch
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Val. vs Rosie + Val: RPN.. Rematch + Ros: Self-D
Valentina: Rock, Paper, Nuts Rematch - HD
Price: $9.95
Length: 8:52 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 03/16/2020
Hot Venezuelan ballbusting Model Valentina is back for a non-stop teasing and kicking rematch! Laugh out loud as she torture squeezes the bejesus out of her opponent's testicle along with some heavy kicking, serious kneeing and stomping. You can't miss Valentina femdom power-tripping on her weak man counterpart's testicle. She even makes a piano out of him. Clip includes slow-mo's as well as the sexiest femdom victory dances ever on video.
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Val. Rock,... Rematch +
Kick in t...Challenge 7
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Valentina: Rock Paper Nuts Rem. + Bundle
The Kick in the Balls Challenge 7 - HD
Price: $8.25
Length: 5:53 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 01/14/2020
Valentina, Larissa and introducing Model Stacey compete for who can bring the guy down to the ground with a hard swift ballbusting kick, a devastating knee or a powerful punch to the helpless balls. Laugh out loud as Pun becomes weaker a weaker from every blow until his legs can no longer support him. Watch how the toe kicks particularly make him even weaker in front of these hot girls. This clip not only introduces ballbusting model Stacey but also showcases Larissa on her first public video and brings back Valentina... because you've gotta love her kicks!
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The Kick in the Balls Ch.
7 + 6 (Full)
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The Kick in the Balls Ch.
7 + 6 (Full) + 5
The Valentina Bundle - HD
Price: $27.95
Length: 35:39 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 09/23/2019
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Valentina: The Interview (HD)
Valentina: Self-Defense Techniques (HD)
Valentina: Teach Me How To Kick (HD)
Valentina: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)
4 Videos alone are valued at $35.80, yet you pay
ONLY $27.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Full HD Clips Available
Valentina: The Interview - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 7:52 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 09/21/2019
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The Interview:
Valentina + Julia
Valentina has been busting men in their balls her whole life and tells it all on this interview! Along with gorgeous jaw-dropping modeling and kicks, she explains why it is absolutely fair for her and other girls to exploit men's balls. She also impersonates the funniest reactions as she tells us stories of when she kicked or saw men get hit in their “eggs”. How will she kick you in the nuts? Will she cut them off for you? Find out in this hilarious ballbusting top interview. And yes, interviewer gets busted hard.
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The Interview:
Val. + Julia + Minuette
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Valentina: Self-Defense Techniques - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 9:95 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 09/05/2019
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Self-D Tech ft. Val. + Uppercut Galore
Watch Sexy Valentina teach women how to hurt a guy "in that area". To this end, Model Valentina invites her cousin and tricks him to think she won't go for the nuts. The result, she starts with a swift devastating knee to his unsuspecting testicles as she smiles at what she's caused. As she continues her glorious ballbusting hits she encourages her victim to endure and resist as he hilariously drops down to his knees. Beware, this clip is heavy on Knees, punches, toe kicks and squeeze/grab/twists. Includes 100% natural reactions, POV scenes and Slow Motion Picks. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Self-D Tech. ft. Val + Uppercut G. + Venice B.
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Valentina: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 8:08 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 08/20/2019
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Teach Me How To Kick!
Valentina + Julia
Experience fast-learner gorgeous Valentina as she perfects her nutshots! Not only does model Valentina teases her victim, she also practices her powerful knees, devastating kicks, full force punches and uppercuts right to the nuts! Laugh out loud as Valentina teases her victim even more while he tries to recover after being completely helpless on the floor with an overwhelming ball-pain which turns him red! Clip includes Slow Motion scenes and hilarious reactions by beautiful Valentina. Are you strong enough? Valentina thinks not!
20% OFF
Teach M...: Valentina +
Julia + Minuette
20% OFF
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Valentina: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 9:04 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 08/07/2019
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Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Valentina + Julia
Meet Gorgeous Model Valentina! A native from Venezuela she has a history of nailing boys "down there". Laugh out loud as she delivers ridiculous dead-on knees, excruciating kicks, crushing punches, squeeze/grab and a seriously powerful uppercut. Fit Valentina also plays with a kick-ass "girls always win" ballbusting attitude that will leave any man gasping for air. Clip includes independently shot True Slow Mo shots as well as hilarious reactions from Valentina as she sees her victim struggle to recover. If it sucks to have balls, download now!
20% OFF
Rock, Pa...: Valentina +
Julia + Minuette
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Kicks From Above ft. Valentina

Valentina Squeezes/Grab Collab

Answer 60 by Valentina
The Rosie Bundle - HD
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Rosie: Self-Defense Lesson (HD)
Rosie: Teach Me How To Kick (HD)
Rosie: How Hard Can You Take It (HD)
Rosie: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)
4 Videos alone are valued at $33.75, yet you pay
ONLY $26.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Price: $26.95
Length: 33:40 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 01/30/2020
Full HD Clips Available