Ballbusting by Salem
Salem: The Interview 2 - HD
Price: $7.95
Length: 06:30 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 11/20/2020
Hot ballbusting model Salem gets honest about what she enjoys the most kicking balls at Protect ur Nuts. She also tells us all about she’s been wanting to kick some inconsiderate guys in the balls lately. She even gets deep into ballbusting, the media and the “visceral” state of being hit in the testicles. Of course she explains her castration fantasies and tells you something about your balls, YOU WILL NEVER FORGET. At the end of the interview, of course she knees her victim and drags him around while squeezing his balls because, fun? Don’t miss this ridiculously real, deep and painful discussion about the pain you feel when you get hit “down there” by a woman.
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20% OFF
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The Interview
Salem (2) + Jennifer
20% OFF
The Interview: Salem
(2) + Jen. + Valentina
The Salem Bundle 2 - HD
20% OFF
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
The Salem Interview 2 (HD)
Salem: Rock, Paper, Nuts 2 (HD)
Salem: Self-Defense Instructions 2 (HD)
Salem: Balkick Practice (HD)
4 Videos alone are valued at $36.10, yet you pay
ONLY $27.95 for them ALL
Price: $27.95
Length: 43:04 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 11/25/2020
Full HD Clips Available
Bundle 2
Bundles 2 + 1 (All)
Salem: Self-Defense Instructions 2 - HD
Price: $9.25
Length: 13:19 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 11/13/2020
Gorgeous ballbusting model Salem demonstrates and explains how to stop any guy in his tracks by using his most obvious vulnerability, his balls of course! Laugh out loud as she hits his balls hard with her metal bat! She also knees him hard in the balls, kicks him full force when he offers her a drink (because no you can’t!), and gives him an unforgiving ball-tap & squeeze experience. And let’s not forget the bouncy-boob ballbusting stomp and grind! She finally ends the ballbusting clip by getting out her scissors to castrate him. Will she get the femdom pleasure of cutting his testicles off? You better watch this ballbusting video now.
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Self-D Inst./Lesson
Salem (2) + Angie
20% OFF
Self-D Inst./Lesson
Salem: Rock, Paper, Nuts 2 - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 10:23 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 11/03/2020
Enjoy Salem’s hot ballbusting Rock, Paper, Nuts 2! Clip includes platform shoe toe kicks, knee and grind to the balls, hard kick to his balls on the floor, and heavy castrating punches to the nuts. She even punches each nut separately but consecutively! All this pain while she bounces around like a true feminist with no bra. Talk about testicle pain!!! As always, no cups, ballbusting models’ reactions are unscripted and Salem just truly loves it. She could even “do this all day long” Will you lend her yours?
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Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Salem (2) + Angie
20% OFF
Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Salem: Ballkick Practice - HD
Don’t miss this Epic ballbusting video! Goddess Salem asks her goofballs friend to practice some “fun”. He should have known what was coming as her female body gets dangerously close to his unsuspecting nuts. Just when the time is right Salem aims her “little jabs” full force to the testicles! She even hits each gonad separately. Laugh out loud as pun kneels before her in absolute pain as Salem demonstrate her absolute woman power. She just has so much fun, even watching him flinch as he is floored by Salem’s female superiority. Ballbusting hits include knees, repeated platform shoe knees, full force punches, a kick from behind, a torture backlist and elbow to the balls, a kick on the floor and stomp until he is “good and sterile. Clips also includes Salem’s commentary belittling him, gorgeous True Slow motion shots and different camera angles. Don’t miss these totally epic ball busting kicks. Download now!
Price: $9.95
Length: 12:52 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 09/24/2020
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Salem: Ballkick Pra...
Alexa: Teach Me...
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Salem: Ballk... + Alexa
+Rosie: Teach Me...
The Salem Bundle! - HD
Full HD Clips Available
Price: $34.95
Length: 01:03:32 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 03/08/2017
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Salem: The Interview - HD
Salem: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
Salem Teach Me How To Knee! - HD
Salem: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Salem: Self Defense Instructions- HD
+ 54 High Resolution Photos FREE!
5 Videos alone are valued at $47.75, yet you pay
ONLY $34.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Salem: The Interview - HD
Professional brunette ballbuster Model Salem explains how she got into ballbusting her man friends, how hilarious guy's faces turn after a kick in the balls and how she thinks men are the inferior sex given this "button that can be pressed at any time...". Laugh out loud to her hilarious but accurate responses on the topic and painfully funny examples of her squeezing and kneeing the balls in her anime costume. Clip ends with a bang when Pun asks her to go into the shower and she refuses with a loud well and planted anime grinding knee to the balls that leaves pun incapacitated for life (Now Hiring!). Includes Slo Mo Picks and a BONUS shower scene. This one is for the books!
Includes 54 High Resolution Photos FREE!
Price: $7.95
Length: 9:39 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 01/25/2017

Ballbusting Comedy Model

Ballbusting Comedy Model

Ballbusting Comedy Model
Full HD Clip Available
The Interview
Salem + Alysa
20% OFF
The Interview
Salem + Alysa + Liana
20% OFF
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Salem: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
Price: $12.95
Length: 18:48 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 02/10/2017
We just made the ultimate ballbusting clip featuring gorgeous brunette model Salem. Laugh out loud as Salem is done with knees and moves on to kicks. Little did Pun know that this time she will try her stomps and her favorite scissors to torment the balls out of Pun as she threatens to neuter and kicks, punches, back fists, stomps the poor stunt guy. This clip involves plenty of POV, hilarious and sexy dialogue, different angles an alternative "Roommates", Salem's giggly reactions, tons of real hard kicks to the nuts and clip tons of nervous fun (If you have balls). Also includes TRU SLOW MO's, and a Behind the scenes. As always At nearly 20 minutes long, this clip guarantees to leave you limping.
Full HD Clip Available
Salem: Teach Me How To Kick + Knee
20% OFF
Salem: Teach Me... Kick + Knee + Seld Def. Inst.
20% OFF
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Salem: Teach Me How To Knee! - HD
Price: $9.95
Length: 11:45 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 02/04/2017
Knees have never been so hurtful to any one's pair of hangers as Model Salem's in this clip! Prepare to endure knee after knee, each agonizing reaction and Salem's sexy giggle as the men go down with their most private pain. Model Salem requests of now retired Pun to teach her some self defense. Little did he know that she just wants to practice her knees to the balls!. Includes a small skit called "Roomates" (as a bonus) feat. two disturbingly hard knees to the balls. Clip also includes TRU-to-LIFE technology, TRU-SLOW-M, different angles and hilarious dialogue!. But watch out, you may not be able to walk up right after watching too many knees to the balls!
Full HD Clip Available
Salem: Teach M... Knee + Rock, Paper, Nuts!
20% OFF
Salem: Teach...Knee + Ro..PN! + Self D. Intst.
20% OFF
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Salem: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 14:54 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 01/20/2017
Gorgeous Model Salem as "Hanna" plays anime Rock, Paper, Nuts in full cosplay with a pair of sorrowful testicles that will get squeezed, kicked, kneed, squeezed, stomped baseball bat, and did I mention squeezed? Beware of this hilarious anime ballbusting game filled with torture (for the guys) and even castration threats which make Salem laugh out loud with satisfaction! Ballbusting Clip includes dynamic and intimidating dialogue, intense reactions form Salem and Pun, a daring castrating pair of scissors, Salem's powerful low blowing knees and punches, plenty of POV and Tru Slo Mo shots at 240 Frames x Second! Only real men (with a pair) are allowed to watch this one. Download now!
Full HD Clip Available
Salem: Rock, Paper, Nuts! + Self D. Inst.
20% OFF
3x Rock, Paper, Nuts!
20% OFF
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Salem: Self Defense Instructions - HD
Price: $7.95
Length: 8:26 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 01/04/2017
Introducing gorgeous anime cosplay Model Salem! Take a peak as Salem shows women how to defend themselves from threatening men by kneeing, kicking, squeezing and sending a ballbusting crushing high heel into their testicles in full cosplay. Unfortunately for Pun, he agreed to help Salem with this ballbusting video thinking the demonstrations were not going to be real. But whenever you let a woman that close to the balls, she's really got you! Laugh out loud as Salem's uncontrollable ball kicking laughter at the poor man's torture reactions. But let it all be worth it in the name of women's self defense! Ballbusting clip includes POV, TRU-SLOW-MO and tons, tons of ballcrushing cosplay pain, download now!
Full HD Clip Available
Salem: Self D. Instr. +
Ava: Ballkick Practice
20% OFF
Salem: Self D. + Ava:
Ballkick... + Alysa: Bikini
20% OFF
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The Hollywood Nights! Bundle 2 - HD
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Hollywood Nights! 5 - HD
Hollywood Nights! 6 NYE - HD
Hollywood Nights! 7 - HD
Hollywood Nights! 8 - HD
4 Videos alone are valued at $65.80, yet you pay
ONLY $49.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Price: $49.95
Length: 1:17:32 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 02/08/2017
Bundle 2 Only
Hollywood Nights! 1 - 8