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Vanessa: Nutshot Beerpong - HD

Price: $9.95

Length: 20:00 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 06/26/2021

Asian ballbusting beauty Vanessa kicking, kneeing , sack tapping , flying shoes to the balls and elbowing her male victims in the testicles, all for a Full 20 minutes! Watch in ballbusting pain as she swiftly delivers some of the fastest most powerful knees and groin strikes and takes testicles where no balls have gone before. The best part is that ballbusting model Vanessa really enjoys striking his gonads, even when he truly isn’t expecting a blow. Along with loud thuds, genuine unscripted laughs and “pussy”, “freak” “this is what you deserve at a man” you’ll really find out the hard way, this girl got man issues, and she will vent them all at your helpless testicles. This hot video probably has more ball-strikes than any produced before so don’t miss out! POV & Slow-Mo included.

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Nutshot Beer Pong:

Vanessa + Sabrina

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Nutshot Beer Pong:



The Rock, Paper, Nuts Bundle 5 - HD 

20% OFF

This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:

  • Vanessa: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)

  • Elena: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)

  • Sabrina: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)

  • Angie: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)

  • Mia: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD) - FREE!

5 Videos alone are valued at $46.40, yet you pay

ONLY $28.95 for them ALL

Price: $28.95 (Reg. $46.40)

Length: 40:03 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 06/23/2021

Full HD Clips Available


Vanessa: Rock, Paper, Nuts - HD

Price: $7.25

Length: 06:14 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 06/09/2021

Watch Vanessa swings her bat dangerously close to her victim’s balls until he loses so she can strike them swiftly. Ballbusting clip includes hard platform shoes kicks, quick ballbusting punches (she hits before he an even realize it), uppercuts, and loud knee strikes to the balls. She even chews gum carelessly oblivious to her victim’s testicle pain she is making him feel. And you shall feel the fear as she adjusts her aim to hick you “right on the spot”! Laugh out loud as his excruciating pain reactions whenever she obliterates his balls with her female body. At some point she even kicks him hard twice in a row (give the man a second to recover lady!) We’ve been included True-Slow Motion so you can see her thigh muscles strike you at 240 Frames per second. Download this ballbusting video now!

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Rock, Paper, Nuts

Vanessa + Elena

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Rock, Paper, Nuts



The Kick In The Balls Challenge 11 - HD

Price: $9.95

Length: 09:38 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 05/16/2021

Who will make the guy fall down first? Powerful latina Knees, hilarious reactions where the girls really feel sorry for him but they still want to win so they selfishly keep kicking him in the balls. Laugh out loud as the girls find out who squeezed the balls better and they try to make the mall fall to the ground on each of their ballbusting turns. Can you guess who will win? True Slow Motion shots, laugh as the other girls watch each other kick your balls without feeling any pity for your nuts. Rosie even starts talking about Elena’s shoes as the man can barely stand holding his balls. Elena hilariously asks him if he’s okay, then she punches him and orders him to fall!. They make fun of the fact that he won’t have babies. True Slow Motion Included. Pun shows her exactly where his testicles are, and she knees him full force to his absolute ball pain! Stomp & trample.

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The Kick...Challenge

9 + X (10)

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The Kick..Challenge 11

+ X(10) + 9 (ft. Val.)


The Elena Bundle - HD 

20% OFF

This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:

  • The Kick In The Balls Challenge 11 (HD)

  • Elena: Self-Defense Instructions (HD)

  • Elena: Teach Me How To Kick (HD)

  • Elena: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)

  • Elena & Rosie: At The Bar (HD)

5 Videos alone are valued at $40.39, yet you pay

ONLY $31.95 for them ALL

Price: $31.95 (Reg. $40.39)

Length: 36:38 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 05/19/2021

Full HD Clips Available


Elena: Self-Defense Instructions - HD

Price: $7.25

Length: 05:57 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 05/03/2021

Latina model Elena calls her bust buddy to well, bust his balls! Laugh out loud as ballbusting model tests her gorgeous knees and hard kicks on her victim’s hands, only to devastate his testicles on the very next hard hit! Ballbuster Elena makes sure to include an uppercut from behind, a back-fist wwe-style nut punch and the classical ball squeeze that brings down any male. Did we mention a drop to knees and square ball punch? If ballbusting self-defense and hard hits it’s your thing. Don’t miss this one!

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Self-Defense Inst. Kick

Elena + Renata

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Self-Defense Inst. 

Elena+Ren.+ Salem (II)


Elena: Teach Me How To Kick - HD

Price: $8.25

Length: 07:21 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 04/20/2021

Watch gorgeous Venezuelan model Elena give her first ballbusting kicks to the balls and gain confidence as she gets to try her full strength kicks, confident knees, sneaky uppercuts and even a fresh nut-squeeze to a man’s testicles. As always, no scripts so you can discover her real castrating reactions as the guy has to stop for a second to take in the pain… as you would. She learns to knee you right with her knee bone. Not bad for a  girl next door. Laugh out loud as she apologizes for her anatomical goddess power in the middle of unstoppable giggles as Pun tries to get up. Will her left or right foot kick harder? What about her hot ballbusting knees? It doesn’t matter because in the end of the clip, model Elena destroys his balls with a back-fist punch and squeeze.  Includes Tru-Slow Motion shots at 240 FPS. Download now!

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Teach Me How To Kick

Elena + Sabrina

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Teach Me...: Elena +

Sabrina + Angie


Elena: Rock, Paper, Nuts - HD

Price: $8.95

Length: 08:37 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 04/05/2021

Watch ballbusting model Elena genuinely enjoy kicking you in this sexy  Rock, Paper, Nuts game. Laugh out loud at her best reactions after she kicks, knees punches, and stomps her male partner right in the testicles, wearing the a sexy but deadly skirt. As if that weren’t enough, you can hear Rosie behind the camera asking for maximum damage so she can laugh harder. You simply can’t miss Elena as she gives you your most private male pain. Cute? Not so much when she rushes you to get up so she can kick you again harder. Wanna try? Download now!

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Rock,Paper,Nuts (Cr..)

Elena + Sabrina

20% OFF

Rock,Paper,Nuts (Cr..)


The Renata Bundle - HD 

20% OFF

This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:

  • Renata: The Interview & Instructions (HD)

  • Renata: School of Ballbusting (HD)

  • Renata: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)

3 Videos alone are valued at $23.45, yet you pay

ONLY $17.95 for them ALL

Price: $17.95 (Reg. $23.45)

Length: 17:22 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 04/08/2021

Full HD Clips Available

Elena & Rosie: At The Bar

Price: $5.99

Length: 05:05 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 03/15/2021

Introducing ballbusting beauty Elena along with Rosie destroy a persistent man by the testicles. This man just came at the wrong time as the girls are in the middle of their male bashing. They're so over men that they agree to kick the next man that approaches them right in the nuts! Ballbusting clip includes hot model Elena & Rosie, Hard Kicks, Knees and devastating punches in the nuts by both girls. In the end the guy comes back with protection, not that it mattered because your nuts are always weak and that's why you're the weaker sex. Enjoy!

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At The Bar: Elena & 

Rosie + Valentina

20% OFF

At...Bar: Elena & Rosie

+ Val + Renata Interv.

The Sabrina Bundle - HD 

20% OFF

This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:

  • Sabrina: Rock, Paper, Crush (HD)

  • Sabrina: Teach Me How To Kick (HD)

  • The Kick In The Balls Challenge X (HD)

  • Sabrina: Nutshot Beerpong (HD)

4 Videos alone are valued at $41.80, yet you pay

ONLY $32.95 for them ALL

Price: $32.95 (Reg. $41.80)

Length: 37:33 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 03/17/2021

Full HD Clips Available

Renata: The Interview & Instructions - HD

Price: $7.95

Length: 05:19 min

Format: MP4-HD 1080p

Added: 03/07/2021

Listen to the women as they just can’t stop giggling talking about your most vulnerable parts! In this hot and unscripted ballbusting interview latina model Renata describes how she finds ballbusting to be such a stress reliever. She even goes on to say how men have their brains in their balls and how she broke up with a guy because she thought he only had one ball. Give the girl a pair and Renata will bust them! We’ve even added self-defense ballbusting instructions at the end of the interview for the best ballbusting kicks ideas. As always, clip includes a hilarious reaction bustee impersonation by the model.  If you’re a man, you’ve got to watch this show!

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The Interview + Instr.

Salem Interv. 2

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Inter. + Instr. + Salem

2 + Larissa Interview

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