Ballbusting by Minuet
Minuet: The Interview - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 9:52 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 04/21/2019
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The Interview (Btwn 2..)
Minuette + Samantha
Blonde Minuet's interview is literally the hottest one yet! Laugh out loud as she describes men's painful reactions and goes on the floor impersonating you. She talks about how no man can take a ballbusting shot to the nuts gracefully and how she will use your weak spot below the belt to her advantage, her nutshot wresling anectode, fetal positions and more. Clip includes TRU-SLO MO captures with ripples down her muscles, Deleted Scenes and a HARD KNEE!
60 High Resolution Images FREE!
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The Interview (Btwn 2..)
Min. + Sam. + Karen
20% OFF
Mobile Friendly

The Minuet Bundle! - HD
Price: $25.95
Length: 33:56 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 04/26/2019
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Minuet: The Interview - HD
Minuet: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
Minuet: Nutshot Beerpong! - HD
Minuet: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Includes 60 High-Quality Photos FREE
4 Videos alone are valued at $32.70, yet you pay
ONLY $25.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Full HD Clips Available
Minuet: Nutshot Beer Pong POV! - HD
Would you play a Nutshot Beer Pong game with blonde Minuet? If you said yes this clip puts you right in the action with this ALL-POV clip feat. our sexy Minuette and her absolutely painful ballbusitng kicks, knees, a devastating punch and her delightful reactions. Laugh out loud as Minuette owns your nuts
EVERY TIME! Filmed in 60 FPS, 1920 res., it's perfect for your mobile device!
Click Expand on iPhone
Universe Exclusive
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 04/12/2019
Full HD Clip Available
Minuet: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
Price: $8.25
Length: 8:34 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 04/05/2019
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Teach Me How To Kick!
Minuette + Samantha
You can't miss out on Model Minuet amazing reactions as she rediscovers the power of her woman's legs as she kicks and knees her stuntman right in the balls! She kicks him so hard that you hear the loud thuds of her feet and knees as her aim is dead on to his testicles. Clip includes plenty of POV Footage, a Behind the Scenes shot which includes a devastating kick straight up to Pun's testicles, and Slow Motion picks! This may not be for you if you have a weak stomach...(or balls).
[NEW] Mobile Full Screen Included! (Click Enlarge)
20% OFF
Teach Me How To Kick!
Min. + Sam. + Tiffany
20% OFF
Mobile Friendly
Minuet: Nutshot Beerpong! - HD
Price: $8.25
Length: 9:35 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 03/21/2019
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Nutshot Beerpong!
Minuette + Samantha
Pun made a painful mistake when he agreed to play Nutshot Beerpong with College BP Champion Minuet! She just nails him every time with a ball in his cup, and some of the hardest, loudest most cringing ballbusitng hits to the testicles we've ever produced! She even kicks him every time he misses a ball... like he missed his nuts once the game (and balls...) were done! This is some serious ballbusting guaranteed to make you cringe! Clip includes Slow Mo picks, TRU-to-LIFE scenes and absolutely gorgeous modeling cut as a BONUS!
20% OFF
Nutshot Beerpong!
Min. + Sam. + Tiffany
20% OFF
Mobile Friendly
Minuet: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Price: $7.25
Length: 4:55 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 02/22/2019
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Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Minuette + Samantha
Introducing gorgeous and hard kicking Model Minuet! But don't let her good looks deceive you, she will have you crying on the floor in no time from a hard and well aimed kick to your testicles. Clip includes several hard kicks and knees to Min's opponent as they play this Rock, Paper, Nuts game to the death (of his nuts!). Don't miss these hilarious hits and most natural reactions to a man's most vulnerable pain. Clip also includes Slow-Motion hits and reactions.
20% OFF
Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Min + Sam + Tiff (v2)
20% OFF
Mobile Friendly
The Hollywood Nights! Bundle 2 - HD
Bundle 2 Only
Price: $49.95
Length: 1:17:32 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 02/08/2017
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Hollywood Nights! 5 - HD
Hollywood Nights! 6 NYE - HD
Hollywood Nights! 7 - HD
Hollywood Nights! 8 - HD
4 Videos alone are valued at $65.80, yet you pay
ONLY $49.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Hollywood Nights! 1 - 8