Salem: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
Price: $12.95
Length: 18:48 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 02/10/2017
We just made the ultimate ballbusting clip featuring gorgeous model Salem. Laugh out loud as Salem is done with knees and moves on to kicks. Little did Pun know that this time she will try her stomps and her favorite scissors to torment the balls out of Pun as she threatens to neuter and kicks, punches, back fists, stomps the poor stunt guy. This clip involves plenty of POV, hilarious and sexy dialogue, different angles an alternative "Roomates", Salem's giggly reactions, tons of real hard kicks to the nuts and clip tons of nervous fun (If you have balls). Also includes TRU SLOW MO's, and a Behind the scenes. As always At nearly 20 minutes long, this clip guarantees to leave you limping.
20% OFF
20% OFF
Full HD Clip Available
Salem: Teach Me How To Kick + Knee
Salem: Teach Me... Kick + Knee + Seld Def. Inst.
Salem: Teach Me How To Knee! - HD
Price: $9.95
Length: 11:45 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 02/04/2017
Knees have never been so hurtful to any one's pair of hangers as Model Salem's in this clip! Prepare to endure knee after knee, each agonizing reaction and Salem's sexy giggle as the men go down with their most private pain. Model Salem requests of now retired Pun to teach her some self defense. Little did he know that she just wants to practice her knees to the balls!. Includes a small skit called "Roomates" (as a bonus) feat. two disturbingly hard knees to the balls. Clip also includes TRU-to-LIFE technology, TRU-SLOW-M, different angles and hilarious dialogue!. But watch out, you may not be able to walk up right after watching too many knees to the balls!
Full HD Clip Available
Salem: Teach M... Knee + Rock, Paper, Nuts!
20% OFF
20% OFF
Salem: Teach...Knee + Ro..PN! + Self D. Intst.
Ava: POV + Shower Bust! - HD
Price: $9.95
Length: 12:27 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 01/27/2017
Gorgeous Model Ava is back with full force and experience as she decimate's her opponent's testicles. Watch this special POV edition with alternate angles which show her leg muscles contract and ripple waves every time the knee or foot crushes the helpless balls. This hilarious ballbusting clip includes a hot scene at the shower where smart Model Ava rejects Pun's unwanted advances on her with some heavy and grinding knees to his balls. Includes our hardest hits yet, hilarious authentic, unscripted reactions by Model Ava and Pun and ridiculously painful SLOW-MO picks. Warning: This wIll hurt your balls just to watch!
Full HD Clip Available
Ava: POV/Shower Bust!
+ Ballkick Practice!
20% OFF
Ava: POV/Shower + Ballkick Pr. + Salem RPN
20% OFF
The Rock, Paper, Nuts Bundle 3! - HD
Full HD Clips Available
Price: $29.95
Length: 59:48 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 01/28/2017
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Salem: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Alysa: POV Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD FREE!
Alysa: Bikini Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Ava: Rock, Paper, Nuts 2! - HD
Liana: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
+ 23 High Resolution Photos FREE!
5 Videos alone are valued at $39.80, yet you pay
ONLY $29.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Salem: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 14:54 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 01/20/2017
Gorgeous Model Salem as "Hanna" plays Rock, Paper, Nuts with a pair of sorrowful nuts that will get squeezed, kicked, kneed, squeezed, stomped baseball bat, and did I mention squeezed? Beware of this hilarious ballbusting game filled with agony (for the guys) and even castration threats which make Salem laugh out loud with satisfaction! Clip includes dynamic and intimidating dialogue, intense reactions form Salem and Pun, a daring castrating pair of scissors, Salem's powerful low blowing knees and punches, plenty of POV and Tru Slo Mo shots at 240 Frames x Second! Only real men (with a pair) are allowed to watch this one. Enjoy!
Full HD Clip Available
Salem: Rock, Paper, Nuts! + Self D. Inst.
20% OFF
3x Rock, Paper, Nuts!
20% OFF
The Alysa Bundle! - HD
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Alysa: The Interview - HD
Alysa: POV Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Alysa: Bikini Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Alysa: Teach Me How To Knee! - HD
Alysa: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
The Kick in the Balls Challenge 3! - HD
Public Service Announcement 4! - HD
+ 162 High Resolution Photos FREE!
7 Videos alone are valued at $69.65, yet you pay
ONLY $54.95 for them ALL
Price: $54.95
Length: 1hr : 10 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 01/15/2017
20% OFF
Full HD Clips Available
Alysa: The Interview - HD
Price: $12.95
Length: 13:50 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 01/12/2017
Full HD Clip Available
The Interview
Alysa + Liana
Serial ballbusting kneer Alysa kindly agreed to be interviewed about her experiencing kicking boys in the balls outside and inside Protect Ur Nuts. The result? a hilarious, unscripted and real perspective of hot women crushing balls in anger and amusement. Laugh along as she describes the hits she inflicted upon the stunt guys as well as her hilarious impersonations of guys getting hit "where it hurts" and why you should always protect them. Clip includes a series of kicks, knees, behind the scenes and Slow-Mo shots. Shot with TRU-toLIFE technology, this clip will surely make the guys cross their legs. Enjoy!
Includes 93 High Resolution Photos FREE!
20% OFF

Ballbusting Comedy Model

Ballbusting Comedy Model

Ballbusting Comedy Model
The Interview
20% OFF
Mobile Friendly
Salem: Self Defense Instructions - HD
Price: $7.95
Length: 8:26 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 01/04/2017
Introducing gorgeous Model Salem! Take a peak as Salem teaches women how to defend themselves from threatening men by kneeing, kicking, squeezing and sending a ballbusting crushing high heel into their testicles. Unfortunately for Pun, he agreed to help Salem with this video thinking the demonstrations were not going to be real. But whenever you let a woman that close to the balls, she's really got you! Laugh out loud as Salem's uncontrollable laughter at poor pun's agonizing reactions hit after hit. But let it all be worth it in the name of women's self defense! Clip includes POV, TRU-SLOW-MO and tons, tons of ballcrushing cosplay pain!
Full HD Clip Available
Salem: Self D. Instr. +
Ava: Ballkick Practice
20% OFF
Salem: Self D. + Ava:
Ballkick... + Alysa: Bikini
20% OFF
Ava: Ballkick Practice! - HD
Price: $9.95 (Reg. $15.95)
Length: 16:22 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 12/29/2016
As Model Ava returned for the last gorgeous clip of 2016! For this hilarious show of ballbusting low blows, we had to make sure she was up to expectations after her break. Little did we know she hit the road (we really mean balls) up and running! Discover the feeling of the agonizing screams of Pun as Model Ava cannot control giggling and laughing. At longer than 15 minutes, this clip includes hard kicks, harder knees, back fist punches and reactions shots from different angles and the sexiest ballbusting energy ever. Lesson of the day, don't let Ava's gorgeous smile fool you, she can and will drop you. So if you got nuts watch out!
Full HD Clip Available
20% OFF
Ava: Ballkick Pract... +
Alysa: Teach. Knee+Kick
20% OFF
Mobile Friendly
Alysa: POV Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Price: $8.95 / PUN! Pass
Length: 10:04 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 12/24/2016
POV lovers we hear you so we made Bikini Rock, Paper, Nuts! with every hilarious kick and knee to the balls entirely on POV! This version includes never before released close and personal ball crushing that will drop you to the ground on contact! And yes, Model Alysa managed to repeat dropping a guy straight to the floor during POV shooting too! As if that was not enough, we added never released TRU-SLOW-MO footage at 240 frames per second so you see the ripples through her leg muscles and their pants as ballbusting crushing is taking place. As always, Alysa's reactions and dances after each hit are amazing, and the guy's reactions are real and painful to hear. This clip is guaranteed to make you cringe and fall in love!
Full HD Clip Available
Alysa:Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Bikini + POV
20% OFF
Rock, Paper, Nuts!
20% OFF
Alysa: Bikini Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Price: $10.95 / PUN! Pass
Length: 11:10 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 12/21/2016
Never have we ever had a Rock, Paper, Nuts! version as hot as what we just made available. Model Alysa just kills the balls with ridiculously hard and "healthy" ballbusting kicks, knees, punches, uppercuts that will leave you rolling on the floor crying, this literally happens on the clip! The rules are simple, if you lose, you "lose your balls", if you tie, both lose their balls! Unfortunately for Gio and Pun they're blind folded so they can's see Alysa's foot or knee about to smash right into their dangling orbs! Don't miss their hilarious reactions as well as Alysa's smile as she cannot believe how much pain these guys are taking! Clip includes TRU-to-Life Technology, Slow Mo Picks and a Behind the scenes. This is one of the most painful ever!
Full HD Clip Available
Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Alysa + Ava (2)
20% OFF
Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Alysa + Ava (2) + Liana
20% OFF
Mobile Friendly
Alysa: Teach Me How To Knee! - HD
Price: $9.95 / PUN! Pass
Length: 10:03 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 12/15/2016
Full HD Clip Available
Teach Me How To...
Kick + Knee
Model Alysa is known among her friends to be a serial ball-kneer so we put that to the test. Sure enough she was quickly smashing the testicles of everyone at the shoot, even the camera man! Feel these incredible hard ballbusting knees and her hilarious reactions and personality coupled with real excruciating reactions from the male crew. Clip includes a hilarious never before seen bathroom scene, dozens of knees to the balls and a stomping grand finale! If you ever have been kneed in the balls, this is a must! Clip shot with TRU-to-LIFE technology, including Slow Mo picks, and a Behind the Scenes.
Includes 31 High Resolution Photos FREE!
20% OFF

Ballbusting Comedy Model

Ballbusting Comedy Model

Ballbusting Comedy Model
Teach Me How To... Kick + Knee + Liana: Knee
20% OFF