Ballbusting Clips by Ava
Price: $8.95
Length: 10:11 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 08/24/2016
PUN! News at 5! with Ava - HD
Full HD Clip Available
PUN! News at 5 feat. Ava + Zoey
If you're not up to date with the latest REAL ballbusting news Gorgeous Model Ava & PUN! Comedy have just the solution with this latest PUN! News at 5 edition! As always, featuring REAL reenactments of all the hard hits that are reported by news outlets all over the intertubes. This edition features amazing first point of view shots as well as the hardest kicks, punches, and a backheel kicks to the nuts which left our stunt guy out of commision! Clip also features TRU SLO MO and Slo Mo picks as well as the most painful news from Peru, New England, California, an your town? and a commentary of what if females had to kick you in the manhood every time they you.
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PUN! News at 5 feat. Ava + Zoey + Nicole
Price: $8.95
Length: 9:37 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 08/12/2016
Ava: The Interview - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Ava + Natalie
The Interview - HD
This is by far the sexiest most daring interview yet! Featuring gorgeous Model Ava, it literally goes where no man (or model) has gone before! Beam yourself aboard Ava's experiences kicking her friends in the nuts, her favorite method and how the nutsack crumbles as she squeezes... lol. This is not for the weak of stomach (or balls) as there's castration talk for cheaters and a warning to every guy that this can happen at any time for any reason! Clip includes an unexpected ballbusting knee to right in the nuts, painful never before seen background clips, Slo Mo Picks, and 13 high res. photos!
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Price: $7.95
Length: 6:27 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 08/04/2016
Every Time We Meet - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Everytime We Meet + Ava: Teach Me How...
20% OFF
What would happen if every time a female meets a male she would kick him in the nuts? That's exactly what happens as Model Ava decides to follow what she sees on PUN! News This action packed clip is filled bust after bust of Model Ava's hardest knees, kicks and backfists to the nuts along with her gorgeous laughter and hilarious reactions! Don't miss out on this ballbusting thriller which reminds you to always Protect Ur Nuts! Clips includes Slo Mo Picks, the best behind the scenes female reactions, "beware!"
Price: $9.95
Length: 10:43 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 07/28/2016
Ava: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Ava: Teach Me How... + Zoey: Ballkick Practice
20% OFF
Teach Me How To Kick! is back due to popular demand! This time, featuring gorgeous Model Ava. But don't let the cuteness fool you, she will deliver some of the hardest kicks, knees and backfists we've ever encountered! This clips features amazing footage, from different angles, hilarious ballbusting reactions and incredible TRU SLO MO as well as Tru-toLIFE technology for super smooth playback. With an incredible kick from behind and the sexiest Teach Me... to date, there's no way you can miss this one!
Price: $9.95
Length:12:37 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 07/14/2016
Ava: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Ava + Andrea Julieta
Welcome to the longest and most ball crushing Rock, Paper, Nuts! of all times! Model Ava gives devastating and hard low blows whenever she wins at the game. The ballbusting hits include hard knees, kicks, punches, baseball bats (her favorite) balls (yes to the balls). Clip includes exciting reactions by Ava and agonizing reactions by Pun, Slo Mo picks, and a behind the scenes. Filmed in Wide Angle 1st Person view for a high quality crystal clear clip. Includes 23 high res. photos as BONUS! Don't miss out!
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Ballbusting Comedy

Ballbusting Comedy

Ballbusting Comedy
Fireworks! - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Thinking of watching fireworks this 4th of July? Think again, gorgeous Model Ava might just get you what you want. Hilarious ballbusting comedy clip includes quick punches and knees right to the nuts! If this doesn't make you see fireworks nothing will! Slo Motion shots and TRU-to-LIFE technology included. Whether you're American or not, we guarrantee you will feel these fireworks!
Price: $7.95
Length: 6:57 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 06/30/2016
The Kick in the Balls Challenge II - HD
Full HD Clip Available
The Kick in the Balls Challenge I + II
Oops we did it again! Introducing gorgeous Model Ava, we asked her and Andrea Julieta to a seriously fun ballbusting competetition to see who would bring the stuntman down first! Little did they know that Ava packs the hardest kicks and knees to the balls in town and baddest shoes! Will Ava be able to beat a PUN! veteran? How will the guy take the shots one after the other? Let's just say his nuts get literally pushed up his mouth after the final stomp, just watch.
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A Sexy Halloween

Fireworks! - Remastered