Ballbusting Clips by Ava
A Sexy Halloween - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 12:34 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 10/26/2017
Full HD Clip Available
A Sexy Halloween + Angela: Teach Me...
Pun makes fun of sexy asian Model Ava because he doesn't think girls can scare him on Halloween night and he rather go out. Little did he know that Model Ava was going to scare and kick the pain out of his balls. Watch him laugh telling her that she doesn't have the balls as she swiftly elbows him right in the balls! On that note Ava squeezes, kicks, knees and even gives him a kick in the balls from the rear as he is struggling to get up. Men may be stronger, but unfortunately, his balls are weaker than any part of her female body! Includes Slow Motion Scenes and Behind The Scenes. As always, unscripted reactions full of ballbusting chemistry and PAIN!
20% OFF
A Sexy Halloween + Teach...: Angela+Katie
20% OFF
The Ava Bundle 3! - HD
Full HD Clips Available
Price: $27.95
Length: 46:03 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 09/15/2017
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Ava: Ballkick Practice 2! - HD
How Hard Can You Take - HD
Nutshot Beerpong - HD
10 Things Girls Need To Know About Nutties - HD
4 Videos alone are valued at $35.80, yet you pay
ONLY $27.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Ava: Ballkick Practice 2! - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 10:06 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 08/31/2017
Full HD Clip Available
Ava: Ballkick Practice 1 & 2
Try getting kicked in the balls with the point of Model Ava' shoes! Join in our Ballkick Practice were models practice all their kicking skills before the video shoots. This clip includes devastating ballbusting point kicks, pulverizing and testicle grinding knee, an uppercut, back fist and hilarious true reactions by Model Ava and Pun. You will even go inside her thoughts as she devastates him with a well planted kick from her powerfully toned legs! The clip also includes incredible Tru-Slo-Mo and Slow Mo picks Download to see how she won't let you father ANY children!
20% OFF
Ava: Ballkick Practice 1+2 + Nutshot Beer...
20% OFF
How Hard Can You Take - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 13:41 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 08/17/2017
Full HD Clip Available
How Hard Can You Take + Ava: Nutshot Beer...
Seldom is it so hard to edit a clip because it's just too hot! Our new format is simple, strip the stunt guy to bare shorts and have asian Model Ava, wearing a sexy and provocative shirt and shorts, hits him in the balls as hard as she can! You can hear the skin being making hard contact! Watch as she crushes the balls with her knees, devastates him with foot swinging kicks and destroys him with a well planted, delayed effect punch straight to the testicles. The shorts did not offer much resistance! Clip includes POV, Alternate Angles, Tru-Slow Mo shots.
20% OFF
How Hard + Ava: Nutshot + Kim: The Int.
20% OFF
Ava: Nutshot Beerpong - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 11:13 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 08/03/2017
Full HD Clip Available
Nutshot Beerpong:
Ava + Liana
Do you know the feeling of being devastated by a kick right in the testicles? You're about to find out with Model Ava's Nutshot Beerpong. Treat yourself to a plethora or ground dropping knees to the testicles as well as excruciating testicle squeezes and a heart attack kick to the balls. Also shot in POV and TRU SLO MO, this one really brings you and your balls t the center of the ball smashing action! Protect Ur Nuts as Ava decimates your squeegees with every "ball" she makes and every "ball" you miss? You will miss your balls, I guarantee it.
20% OFF
Nutshot Beerpong:
Ava + Liana + Tiffany
20% OFF
10 Things Girls Need To Know About Nutties - HD
Price: $8.95
Length: 11:03 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 07/28/2017
Full HD Clip Available
10 Things Girls Need...
Ava + Lily
Amazing ball kicker Model Ava is back devastating your "squeegees" as she demonstrate girls things they need to know about testicles! The result? Those ridiculous strong legs will kick, knee and drop you to your knees with every blow. Clip includes flicks and back fists right to the unprotected balls! Laugh out loud as she laughs at his screaming in total devastation and pain! But it's all worth it or how else would women girls know how it feels! Clip also includes hot behind the scenes footage and TRU-SLOW-MO kicks where you can see the ripples down her muscles as she devastates his balls. Must watch!
20% OFF
10 Things: Ava + Lily +
Kick...Challenge 6 Pt.2
20% OFF
The Ava Bundle 2! - HD
Full HD Clips Available
Price: $29.95
Length: 52:19 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 04/06/2017
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
The Kick in the Balls Challenge 3! (feat. Alysa) - HD
Ava: Rock, Paper, Nuts 2! - HD
Ava: Ballkick Practice! - HD
Ava: POV + Shower Bust! - HD
+ 23 High Resolution Photos FREE!
4 Videos alone are valued at $39.80, yet you pay
ONLY $29.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Ava: POV + Shower Bust! - HD
Price: $9.95
Length: 12:27 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 01/27/2017
Gorgeous asian Model Ava is back with full force and experience as she decimate's her opponent's testicles. Watch this special POV edition with alternate angles which show her leg muscles contract and ripple waves every time the knee or foot crushes the helpless balls. This hilarious ballbusting clip includes a hot scene at the shower where smart Model Ava rejects Pun's unwanted advances on her with some heavy and grinding knees to his balls. Includes our hardest hits yet, hilarious authentic, unscripted reactions by Model Ava and Pun and ridiculously painful SLOW-MO picks. Warning: This wIll hurt your balls just to watch!
Full HD Clip Available
Ava: POV/Shower Bust!
+ Ballkick Practice!
20% OFF
Ava: POV/Shower + Ballkick Pr. + Salem RPN
20% OFF
Ava: Ballkick Practice! - HD
Price: $9.95 (Reg. $15.95)
Length: 16:22 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 12/29/2016
As Model Ava returned for the last gorgeous clip of 2016! For this hilarious show of ballbusting low blows, we had to make sure she was up to expectations after her break. Little did we know she hit the road (we really mean balls) up and running! Discover the feeling of the agonizing screams of Pun as Model Ava cannot control giggling and laughing. At longer than 15 minutes, this clip includes hard kicks, harder knees, back fist punches and reactions shots from different angles and the sexiest ballbusting energy ever. Lesson of the day, don't let Ava's gorgeous smile fool you, she can and will drop you. So if you got nuts watch out!
Full HD Clip Available
Ava: Ballkick Pract... +
Alysa: Teach M... Knee
20% OFF
Ava: Ballkick Pract... +
Alysa: Teach. Knee+Kick
20% OFF
Price: $9.95
Length: 13:25 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 12/07/2016
Ava: Rock, Paper, Nuts 2! - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Ava: Rock, Paper, Nuts! 1 + 2 + Photos
Model Ava is back with a vengeance and looking to destroy any man's vulnerable eggs with her strong legs, knees and hard shoes in another devastating game of Rock, Paper, Nuts! Only this time her ballbusting knees, kicks, true hard squeeze and punches will make any man cringe with agonizing testicular pain. Clip includes Ava's natural excitement at the cracking of the nuts as well as Pun's real and painful reactions. Also included. TRU-SLO-MO shots, Behind the Scenes and our hottest POV to date. Ava's strong legs are truly a threat to vulnerable testicles everywhere!
Includes 23 High Resolution Photos FREE!
20% OFF

Ballbusting Comedy Model

Ballbusting Comedy Model

Ballbusting Comedy Model
Rock, Paper, Nuts!
Ava: 1 + 2 + Liana
20% OFF
Price: $9.95
Length: 10:05 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 11/23/2016
The Kick in the Balls Challenge 3! - HD
Full HD Clip Available
The Kick in the Balls Ch..
1 + 2
This Thanksgiving holiday just got a lot more painful (down there) with gorgeous Model Alysa and gorgeous Model Ava competing to bring Gio down first with their hardest and most devastating strikes to his testicles. Laugh out loud as the competition heats up, the girl's empathy wears down and the kicks, knees, punches begin! Never have two most beautiful models competed so hard to kick someone in the nuts! Are you up to the challenge? Would it be in the receiving end? If so, you can't miss this one. As always, clip includes hilarious male and female reactions, filmed with PUN! Tru-to-Life motion technology and TRU SLO MO shots filmed at 240 ftp so you can see the ripples through the girls' muscles as they strike your balls!
20% OFF
The Kick in the Balls Ch..
1 + 2 + 3
20% OFF
The Ava Bundle! - HD
Full HD Clips Available
Price: $39.95
Length: 56:32 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 09/07/2016
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips. Nearly ONE hour of kicks!:
The Kick in the Balls Challenge II - HD
Ava: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Ava: Teach Me How To Kick! - HD
Every Time We Meet - HD
Ava: The Interview - HD
PUN! News @ 5 w/ Ava
36 High Resolution Photos - BONUS!
6 Videos alone are valued at $53.70, yet you pay
ONLY $39.95 for them ALL