Ballbusting by Andrea
Price: $5.99
Length: 6:58 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 07/22/2016
Storytellers - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Storytellers - HD +
Andrea: Rock, Paper...
Don't miss out on the first episode of a new ballbusting concept where the girls just tell you how it is! Starring latina Model Andrea, get a unique girl's perspective on how she felt the very first time she nailed a dude in the nads. Laugh in awe at the detailed descriptions about the stages of a guy's reactions as well as what it really means when a woman laughs. If you ever wondered what a woman thinks as her body crushes you where it hurts, you can't miss this clip! Includes 25 High Res. Photos as a BONUS!
20% OFF

Ballbusting Comedy

Ballbusting Comedy

Ballbusting Comedy
The Andrea Bundle 2! - HD
Full HD Clips Available
Price: $32.95
Length: 29:20 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 07/28/2016
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Storytellers - HD
Andrea: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
The Kick in the Balls Challenge II - HD
Who is Susie?! - HD + 4K
Ballkick Practice - HD
61 High Resolution Photos - BONUS!
5 Videos alone are valued at $41.79, yet you pay
ONLY $32.95 for them ALL
20% OFF
Price: $9.95
Length: 7:00 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 07/03/2016
Andrea: Rock, Paper, Nuts! - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Rock, Paper, Nuts! Andrea + Zoey
20% OFF
How do you make something hot even sexier? Make it harder in a tight bikini! (no pun intended). Watch gorgeous latin Model Andrea obliterates this guy's nuts with a series of ballbusting knees, long crushing knees, swift snap kicks, ridiculous squeezes, punches and slaps right in the nuts every time he loses. Clip includes ridiculously hot solo dancing by Andrea as well as Slo-Mo picks. Can't blame you for not wanting to play, but we can if you don't get this clip. Enjoy!
Price: $7.95
Length: 6:57 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 06/30/2016
The Kick in the Balls Challenge II - HD
Full HD Clip Available
The Kick in the Balls Challenge I + II
Oops we did it again! Introducing gorgeous asian Model Ava, we asked her and Andrea to a seriously fun ballbusting competetition to see who would bring the stuntman down first! Little did they know that Ava packs the hardest kicks and knees to the balls in town and baddest shoes! Will Ava be able to beat a PUN! veteran? How will the guy take the shots one after the other? Let's just say his nuts get literally pushed up his mouth after the final stomp, just watch.
20% OFF
The Andrea Bundle - HD
Full HD Clips Available
Price: $42.95
Length: 46:58 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 10/25/2015
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
The Andrea Interview - HD
The Blairwitch Lesson - HD
Broken Banana No! - HD
C A P T I V I T Y - HD
Teach Me Teach Me How To Kick 5! - HD
A Stupid Suggestion - HD
INCLUDES 120 High Resolution Images as a BONUS!
5 Videos alone are valued at $53.70, yet you pay
ONLY $42.95 for them ALL!
20% OFF
Price: $8.95
Length: 13:17 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 09/08/2015
The Blairwitch Lesson - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Sexy model Andrea makes a tutorial for all women on how to fend off guys at the bus, subway, or anywhere else. Her techinques will make anyone with a pair of nuts nervous. Along with her cameraman she teaches how to kick, knee, grab and squeeze the attacker right in the nuts! at different scenarios for it. The clip includes hilarious commentary by Andrea and TRU SLO MO shots at 240 frames x second! First ever ballbusting comedy clip shot like the Blairwitch Project Movie. Are your huevos okay?
Price: $8.95
Length: 7:29 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 09/04/2015
Broken Banana No! - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Epic ballbusting comedy production featuring sexy Andrea (From Captivity and Hollywood Nights! series) and the baddest, longest and hardest nut grab in the history of film! Newly wed Pun gets a job at the Playboy mansion and decides to leave Andrea. However, his new wife will use all her feminine powers, including castration threats, the baddest nut grab in the universe as well as the classical kick and knee right to the nuts! to ensure Pun stays. Clip features deleted busts as well as hilarious slow-mos and a broken banana! If you got a pair, you must watch this!
Price: $9.95
Length: 6:09 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 08/22/2015
Teach Me Hot To Kick 5! - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Teach Me How To Kick
5 and 1 (Original)
We went back to the drawing board and created a syllabus for our nut crushing class! We know our fans wonder how our models are trained to low blow right in the nuts! This clip shows just how sexy 18 yr. old Andrea is taught about the several ways she can release a low blow to any potential threat from a male. Unfortunately for Pun, this clip has Andrea try a number of hard knees, back punches, stomps and soccer balls to the well, balls! Includes a psychological scene, different angles, close ups, TRU SLO MO shots & more!
20% OFF
Price: $9.95
Length: 10:07 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 08/15/2015
C A P T I V I T Y - HD
Full HD Clip Available
18 year-old model Andrea from Hollywood Nights! performs her first PUN! soap-like scene next to Pun who is trapped inside her house. Watch this hilariously tense scene as Andrea knees, stomps and impersonates Pun's hilariously painful reactions to her nut crushing. Along with deleted bust scenes, and slow motions for all the scene busts, this clip is filled with psychological energy and it's perhaps the kinkiest yet. Definitely one of a kind!
Price: $5.95
Length: 3 min
Format: MOV-HD
Added: 03/11/2015
A Stupid Suggestion - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Zarro tries to prove his manhood by showing Andrea his virility "if you know what I mean". Andrea, however, had a simpler and funnier test in mind. She tells him she’d like to “kick him in the nuts to see his reaction.” Zarro declines since it hurts like a “mofo”. Yet Andrea persists to ballbust him and asks him to take a chance! Finally, Andrea gives him a real kick from behind after Zarro goes ranting about the unfairness of it all. Make the world a fairer place with a sports' cup from our Shop.
Price: $8.95
Length: 8:15 min
Format: MP4 & MOV 4K & HD
Added: 06/17/2016
Who is Susie? - 4K/HD
4K + HD Clip Available
Who is Susie? +
Andrea: Ballkick Prac.
Model Andrea meets PUN! TV and the results are devastating! Nothing else could unleash her curiosity for ballbusting comedy like streaming these clips n her phone. When her hubby finds out she would kick him he threatenes to divorce her. Big mistake! She will punch him and squeeze him right in the nuts! This gets worse when he calls out to "Susie" in the middle of his sleep. Andrea's wrath will leave anyone's testicles to mush! Not to mention her endless ball pain mockery. Includes 7 High Res. Pix as BONUS!
20% OFF

Ballbusting Comedy

Ballbusting Comedy

Ballbusting Comedy
Price: $8.95
Length: 7:03 min
Format: MOV-HD 1080p
Added: 06/11/2016
Andrea: Ballkick Practice - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Andrea: Ballkick Prac. + Lorena's Greatest
Model Andea is back shooting at PUN! so we required a practice course to ensure the hardest most hilarious ballbusting hits for our fans. Unfortunately for her trainer, she improved and nailed him with several knees, barefoot kicks and barefoot stomps right in the nutts! Not to mention footage of her practicing and mastering her signature squeeze. Filmed with Smooth TRU-to-LIFE Technology, you can't miss out on this high level of hotness and hilarious pain! Includes 29 High Res. Pix as a BONUS!
20% OFF

Ballbusting Comedy

Ballbusting Comedy

Ballbusting Comedy
Price: $7.95
Length: 9:43 min
Format: MP4-HD
Added: 10/02/2015
The Andrea Interview - HD
Full HD Clip Available
Full HD Clip + 120 Pix
Add $1.00
PUN! Comedy presents it's sexiest interview yet! Follow Andrea as she gives hilarous examples of her first kicks and how she learned to own men. Along with a sexy modeling shoot by a beautiful lake, this clip is filled with sexy laughter and painful action! As tradition mandates, she knees and punches her interviewer right in the nuts at the end of the interview. Clip includes deleted busts and painful slowMo shots. A first person knee kick was added in the end as a BONUS. Don't miss out!
The Renata Bundle - HD
20% OFF
This introductory offer includes ALL of the following ballbusting comedy clips:
Renata: The Interview & Instructions (HD)
Renata: School of Ballbusting (HD)
Renata: Rock, Paper, Nuts (HD)
3 Videos alone are valued at $23.45, yet you pay
ONLY $17.95 for them ALL
Price: $17.95 (Reg. $23.45)
Length: 17:22 min
Format: MP4-HD 1080p
Added: 04/08/2021
Full HD Clips Available